Mission, Vision and Values

Integrity is the CAB Brazil's trademark


Compliance Advisory Brazil have as a mission to promote changes in organizations and individuals through training programs, generating the necessary training in tools and methodologies that combat illicit acts, frauds, deviations and acts of corruption in business relations.

Through training programs, consulting and support of professionals specialized in this area of knowledge, surely such culture can be inserted in the organizational context, also increasing the efficiency of the processes and consequently the financial and market results.


Compliance Advisory Brazil has as a vision try to act in order to participate in a process of building ethical values in organizations.

We believe that this process is part of a continuous improvement plan for both companies and the people involved, through actions on a day to day basis as simple as that can be.

Being a market trend is the demand for more reliable organizations that can demonstrate such capacity through their employees, processes and a robust compliance system.


Compliance Advisory Brazil recognize as indispensable values:

  • Respect in relationships is always in the first place;
  • We work to comply with all our legal obligations and commitments assumed;
  • Team engaged, result oriented, with a Hands-on profile and passionate about the work she performs;
  • "Win-Win" partnership;
  • Always searching for the excellence in the organizations.